Jytte Fredholm Ferreira is an internationally acclaimed wildlife photographer. She has dedicated her life to supporting and preserving the creatures of the wild, many now on the brink of extinction. Her absolute dedication and love for wildlife are at the core of her extraordinary wildlife pictures.

Interspecies communication forms the groundwork for the relationship she nurtures with every subject, connecting your heart to the very soul of the animals. Jytte's collections are highly sought after worldwide, decorating the walls of buyers ranging from fine art collectors to European royals to passionate animal lovers. Additionally, her work also has been praised by Sir David Attenborough. Based in Cape Town, she has explored some of the wildest parts of Africa as well as many other exotic places on our beautiful planet.

She is a contributor to Africa Geographic and has been featured in several TV productions with companies such as Discovery, Animal Planet, SVT and Kika network to mention a few. Many of Jytte's photographs go towards fundraising with organisations such as The Perfect World Foundation, International Animal Rescue, Panthera Africa, Wolf Conservation International etc. To complement her efforts and combat wildlife crime, she also operates as an Anti Poaching Ranger and trained tracker.